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What Happens to the Meat?


One of the most common questions we receive is: “What do you do with the meat?” Often, the question comes with the assumption that the meat might go to waste. This idea is strange to us, especially in a country like South Africa, where food—particularly meat—is highly valued. Rest assured, none of the meat is ever wasted.

A Vital Resource

Meat sales play a significant role in our operations. Every piece of meat is put to good use, ensuring it provides value to the people around us. Here’s what happens:

  1. Sold to Butcheries: The majority of the meat is sold to local butcheries. From there, it reaches people’s tables, contributing to the livelihoods of both the hunters and the communities that buy from these butcheries.

  2. Shared with Communities: In cases where butcheries cannot collect the meat, it is either sold or donated to surrounding communities. This ensures that even the smallest amount of meat serves a purpose, helping to feed people in need.

  3. Enjoyed at the Lodge: Many clients enjoy tasting the meat firsthand, and we take pride in preparing some of the finest venison dishes. From impala leg and kudu fillet to venison potjie, we celebrate the culinary possibilities of game meat. A favorite among many is impala carpaccio, and though it’s not game meat, we also serve tarentaal (guinea fowl), another South African specialty.

Addressing the Critics

Trophy hunting often faces criticism, with the perception that animals are killed solely for the sake of trophies. While motivations for hunting vary, the reality is that the meat never goes to waste. Regardless of the hunter’s intent, the harvested animal feeds people—especially South Africans—and sustains our local economy.

At its heart, sustainable hunting supports not just the land and its wildlife but also the people who depend on these resources. Whether it’s providing food for communities, supporting small businesses, or giving guests a taste of South African cuisine, every piece of meat is thoughtfully used.

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